Interview Questions and Answer
a. IIS 6.0
b. IIS 7.5
c. IIS 7.0
d. both b and c
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a. aspnet_wp.exe
b. w3wp.exe
c. wpw3.exe
d. aspnet_w3wp.exe
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a. Assign different IP address.
b. Assign different IP address and a different host header name.
c. Assign same IP address with a different host header name.
d. a or b
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a. Every virtual directory is associated with a web application.
b. Every web application is associated with a virtual directory.
c. A Web application need not be associated with a virtual directory.
d. A Web application’s resources are always present in the sub directory of it’s website.
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a. Application Pool isolates different worker processes.
b. An Application Pool isolates web applications.
c. Both a and b are true
d. Only b is true
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a. An Application Pool can be recycled
b. A website can be recycled
c. The IIS web server can be recycled
d. All of the above
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a. SharePoint does authentication of users
b. SharePoint does authorization of users
c. SharePoint does both authentication and authorization
d. None of the above
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a. A single machine configured to perform multiple roles is called a web garden
b. An Application Pool with multiple worker processes is called a web garden
c. There is one worker process in an Application Pool by default
d. All the above
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a. Anonymous
b. Digest and Basic
c. Windows
d. All the above
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a. An Application domain can be associated with more than one worker process.
b. An Application domain is a level of isolation provided by run time.
c. When a user requests for a page the second time, the same thread present in Application Domain is used to execute the code for that page and the response is rendered.
d. You cannot recycle an Application Domain unlike an Application Pool
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a. Windows 7 64 bit
b. Windows Server 2003 32 bit
c. Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
d. Windows Vista SP1 64 bit
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